Tuesday, August 22, 2023

How to boil eggs

I am writing this post simply as a record of most amazing find of Kenji Lopez Alt, as posted in his YouTube video. I found his method to work perfectly and it is also one of the least messy methods I have encountered. The eggs are delicious. Here is the salient quote:

"The best, fastest, easiest-to-peel, and most energy efficient method I've found is to boil an inch or so of water in the bottom of a saucepan or wok. Add the eggs straight from your fridge (the water doesn't need to cover them). Cover with a lid and boil/steam them 3 minutes for extremely soft, 4-5 minutes for soft, 6-7 minutes for medium, and 9-12 minutes for hard. Let them cool naturally or in an ice bath."

Watch the video and listen to Kenji as he watches water boil.