Sunday, July 29, 2018

Millet porridge with peaches

Few things beat a good porridge. Oats are, of course, the default in the West, and rice porridge rules in the East. The chicken rice porridge I had on Singapore Airlines of all places opened a whole new perspective for me. I am yet to recreate that goodness.

Millet porridge, however, is quite common in Slovenia. In the US, we have no cooked it so much because it cooks forever in comparison to millet in Slovenia. We mill it quite a bit for baking, for example for super tasty gluten-free muffins, or for adding amazing texture to clafoutis. Porridge, however, has remained under utilized.

No more. The change came from a simple test when we soaked millet in water for a day or two before cooking, and it was suddenly done in no time. The next breakthrough was when Jasna found a recipe where they suggested cooking sliced peaches with the millet - it adds flavor, and no sugar is needed. Finally, I found a suggestion to use some coconut milk, and Jasna asked me to add some cardamom. The result was a porridge worthy of any table.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 3/4 cup millet, soaked for 24h or more
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 cup water
    • Alternatively: 1.5 cups water and 1TBS coconut oil
  • 1-2 peaches, cut into 3/4 inch chunks, approximately
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • seeds from 2 cardamom pods, ground with mortar and pestle
  • pinch of salt
  • Soak millet in water in the fridge for at least a day, two days works even better.
  • Add all the ingredients to a pot, bring to boil and simmer until millet is cooked. It will take approximately 10 minutes. Add more water and cook some more if millet is too crunchy for your taste.
  • Top with almond butter and shredded coconut, or with whatever tickles your imagination.

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