Monday, July 3, 2023

Ganache with wine

Back in the day, I used to make chocolate truffles around Christmas, and bring boxes of it to work, much to delight of my co-workers. It was a rather easy but messy affair, until I learned that one could sous vide and pipe the ganache from a plastic bag, making is a no-mess event!

My ganaches were always rather thick, I never used it as a sauce. As flavorings, I would stick to the classics - coffee, liquer, maybe sour cream. I never even imagined one could go a bit more adventurous and use wine for flavoring, and use ganache as a chocolate sauce. That was until I was making chocolate soufflés and along the way found a recipe for ganache with red wine. Of course I had to try it, just that I didn't have any red wide handy, but I did have umeshu, Japanese sour plum wine. I tried that and wow, what an eye opener - hence recording it here. I used it as sauce for chocolate soufflés, but I can imagine tons of other applications. I think next I'll try it a filling for my crepes!

Deceptively boring look for such an explosive flavor


  • 180 ml heavy cream
  • 180 ml wine. I used umeshu, the original recipe calls for red wine such as merlot or pinot noir
  • 2 TBS cocoa powder (the original recipe calls for 1.5 TBS)
  • a small pinch of salt (1/8 tsp)
  • 100g sugar (I want to try to cut it down, especially with the sweet wine such as umeshu)
  • 225 g best quality semi sweet chocolate, chopped roughly or in wafers/chips
  • 60 g unsalted butter, at room temperature
  1. In a small pan, mix the sugar, the cocoa powder, and salt, then whisk in the heavy cream and the wine
  2. On a medium or medium low heat bring to simmer, then simmer slowly for 5-6 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the chocolate and the butter. Taste and add more salt if needed.
  4. Wait for a few minutes before using it as thin ganache / sauce. In a fridge, it will thicken and can be used as a spread, e.g. for icing a cake.

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