Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Ricotta parmesan gnocchi

I used to be afraid of making potato gnocchi after hearing they were difficulty 9 out of 10. I think this has to do with making the dough just right, so that it is not tough yet it does not fall apart. Then, years ago, I came across a recipe for ricotta gnocchi, which changed my attitude. Suddenly, gnocchi were a dish that I could whip together easily and quickly, with consistently delicious results.

I have kept the recipe on a small card in my pantry - it simply contained the list of ingredients. I want to transcribe that to a more permanent form here, so that it is easier to find. For those who desire an in-depth coverage of ricotta gnocchi I suggest to look at the fabulous writeup in Serious Eats. But this is about trivial food, so let me record my super easy approach.

Ricotta gnocchi in cream sauce with shiitake mushrooms


  • 200g full fat ricotta
  • 70-120g flour
    • Freshly milled whole einkorn is amazing. All-purpse flour works very well, too.
    • I usually go with 120g flour, as the gnocchi are still super creamy yet they do no fall apart very easily, and I can shape them in a bowl with a spoon, no need to roll them out.
  • 1 egg, whisked
  • 40g grated parmesan
  • A pinch of salt
  1. Combine and mix all ingredients in a bowl,.. You will get a reasonably dense mixture.
  2. Bring a pot of salted water to a rolling boil.
    1. That allows the mixture to rest for a few minutes, helping the four absorb the moisture
  3. Shape gnocchi with a small (dessert) spoon quickly and drop them, one at a time, into the boiling water.
  4. The gnocchi float to the surface after a minute or so. Remove the floating gnocchi from the water with a spider or a slotted spoon.
    1. Place gnocchi into the sauce of your choice - tomato or cream based.

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